Important Links
Hudson Valley Golden Retriever Club
I’ve been a member of HVGRC since the early nineties. I am currently the President and our club is a terrific gathering place to meet other Golden enthusiasts, learn something new and participate in Confirmation, Agility, Rally, Obedience and Field events. If you live in the Hudson Valley, come on out for a meeting.
Golden Retriever Club of America
The GRCA is the national parent club for our breed and is an invaluable resource for information about everything pertaining to Golden Retrievers
Golden Retriever Foundation
The GRF is all about the Education, Research and Rescue of our breed. The GRF is involved in so many studies related to the health of our breed as well as funding rescue efforts for those Golden Retrievers not as fortunate as ours. I have been a supporter of the GRF for many years and make a donation every time a dog I’ve bred dies. It is my way of giving back to the breed that gives me so much.
The best on-line source for everything you need to care for your dog as naturally as possible. This is my go-to source for kelp, alfalfa, digestive blends etc. The owner is a Rottweiler breeder who taught me everything I know about raw feeding and taking care of my dogs with minimal vaccines, antibiotics etc. She writes terrific newsletters ( and her book, “Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs” is my most trusted resource.
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFA is dedicated to promoting the health and welfare of companion animals through a reduction in the incident of genetic disease. The GRCA Code of Ethics requires OFA certification of Hips, Elbows, Heart and Eyes for all Golden Retrievers that are used in breeding programs. I don’t breed dogs without these certifications from OFA.
Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Health Project
Morris Animal Foundation is a non-profit organization that invests in science that advances veterinary medicine for companion animals. The Golden Retriever Lifetime Study is the largest and longest effort ever undertaken to improve the health of dogs. Over the next ten to 14 years, observational data collected from 3,000 Golden Retrievers will help researchers learn how to prevent cancer and other diseases that take the lives of dogs too soon.LINKS