Acquiring a Puppy
Thank you for your interest in a puppy from Overlook Golden Retrievers. Each and every puppy I bring into this world deserves a home that will provide unlimited love and proper care. I work very hard to insure the well being of my puppies and take every step necessary to secure their future.
I always have a waiting list and will do my best to let you know its length. If you are looking for a puppy in the very near future, it is best to contact me before you spend the time filling out the questionnaire. If time is not of the essence, the questionnaire is the first step to the waiting list. Based on the current wait list, I do not anticipate having available puppies again until Fall 2022. The wait list is very fluid and always subject to change.
The questionnaire may be lengthy, but your time, attention and thoughtfulness will help me to better understand what the future may hold for my puppies. Please have everyone in your family participate in discussing each topic.
If you don't receive a response from me in 48 hours, please check back in. Between the big dogs, the puppies and life in general, emails can pile up and back-up! I do my best to stay on top of things, but sometimes...
Please download the questionnaire below to get started. Please email the questionnaire to overlookgoldens@gmail.com: